My Story - the Horse Part
Trusted, Successful, Qualified Coaching Professional
My story is not your typical horse person's story. It is a story to give hope to every rider and child with a dream, with a passion for something that moves them.
I grew up in the city, with lovely parents, a twin sister with an elder and younger brother, but not horse people in the slightest. I saw horses ridden past our suburban house every Saturday afternoon. Packs of very rough and ready horses and dare I say, riders, rode past bareback. I told my parents that I wanted to ride horses. Goodness knows why, I just did. I begged them to increase my pocket money from 20c a week to 50c a week so I could pay for my riding. Finally they agreed. I rode every Saturday rain, hail or shine. Two years riding bareback around the streets, and within 5 years I had won at the Australian Dressage Championships as a 16 year old, beating 90 adults in heats, semi finals and then the final and also winning at the NSW Country championships in dressage.
I also won eventing, showjumping, hacking, champion rider classes and sporting on borrowed horses and finally my own, mostly purchased cheaply, with problems for me to fix as that's all I could afford.
Who'd have thought from these humble beginnings I could have achieved so much as an educator, coach, rider and judge. Successfully riding at FEI, coaching students to achieve Olympic and WEG Medals and Winn ing a CDIs and Short listed for dressage selection, Judging Dressage at the Highest Level available to me in Australia, and now becoming a Level 3 Eventing Judge, judging at the enormous and famous CHIO Aachen and the European Championships in 2019. Add Coach and Judge Educator and the picture is quite a complete one.
All the while pushing onwards and upwards, despite repeated challenges and roadblocks to my progress. Find out how I overcame these roadblocks and how you can too.
Photo credit _ Dr Phil Janson - Willows Leap

My story - the School Teacher & Principal part
As the song says, " Bless the broken road that led me straight to you.'
So many successes and struggles that brought me to retiring from a successful full career to become a full time coach and mentor.
A life lived helping others!
After finishing the Higher School Certificate at Newcastle Boys High School, a selective high school, I gained a Commonwealth Scholarship to become a teacher of Mathematics. Several years into it, I realised I wanted to teach children, not a subject, so I transferred to General Primary. Again the struggles of success and being ostracised due to it, kicked in. I'd had this in my sport and fortunately I was a little oblivious to it in this setting, so I pushed on. After graduating, I waited five years for a placement. Whilst waiting I built my coaching business and had great success at that with pupils winning the biggest three day events in the country and representing Australia, along with bring riders from pony club level to winning at high levels against adults in dressage and eventing.
This all helped my teaching and honed my skills for a teaching career of 22 years, 11 of them as a Principal, in three different schools. My commitment to children, parents and parenting, building a nurturing, supportive culture and proving diverse experiences for children and families led my schools to being described as "The Jewel in the Crown" of each of their districts.
These skills of building culture, programs, confidence and self esteem for many, many children, teachers and parents are skills that will help my clients now to improve the quality of their lives and learning.

Peter Andrew Shaw
Coaching & Mentoring
Become empowered
Making a positive difference in lives for decades.
Understand yourself, your horse and take your relationships and training to a whole new level and reap the rewards.
Looking for a change of and an ethical approach to training that your horses are going to love, from one of the most experienced, successful, qualified professionals?
Would you like to improve your communications skills?
Peter's system is truly classical, steeped in the knowledge of horses and human learning styles and correct biomechanics for horse and rider.
Peter's experience as a successful teacher, mentor and school principal, a successful rider in several disciplines, a successful coach and judge at the highest level, backed up by the hundreds and hundred of riders he's trained and children he's taught, for amazing improvements and results is second to none across so many equestrian disciplines, settings and lifestyles.
THis highly acclaimed professional will most definitely help bring you to a higher level of understanding.
Photo credit: Peter coaching Emma Haywood on Penny Hill Park Sahara as a 4yr old.
Peter's Unique Qualifications
Extensive, Diverse, Experienced, Successful.
Dip Teach - General Primary
22 years experience as a teacher with 11 years of that as Principal.
EA Level 3 Dressage Coach.
EA Coach Educator.
A Level Judge since 1988
Judge Educator and Mentor.
Working with Children Check
First Aide and CPR Certificates

Ethical, Harmonious Approach to our Horses & Life
Correct Biomechanics for horses and riders
Peter's knowledge, qualifications, decades of experience, results and honesty are the qualities that will see your understanding and performances soar!
Peter's work with correct biomechanics for horses and riders is outstanding and helping keep horses sound and riders balance and skills.
Need help to achieve your goals with horses and in life?
Peter uses an array of his successful, quality communication skills to deliver coaching services that empower you using the tools he'll teach to achieve success.
In addition to 1-on-1 consultations, an, lessons and group sessions, Peter regularly hosts workshops and seminars for clients interested in developing their own coaching, judging and riding, life and personal skills & techniques.
Find your tribe, join ours.
Building positive knowledgable human and equine communication.
Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations. With Peter's coaching sessions, you’ll learn about strategies and how to stay mindful, in the moment, to enhance the outcomes for each of you and your horses.
Sessions are tailored to individuals wishing to improve, groups, organisations striving towards a happier, more harmonious result.
Photo: Long time pupil Robyne Smith Winning at Willinga Park CDI on her pupil's Gwandalan Snowman.

Developing skills through your life lessons and horse training.
With a growing trend in these harder times for people to need help with their resilience training and life skills join the many, many people benefiting from Peter's skills and knowledge, in person and online.

An Inclusive, Diverse, Skilled, Qualified & Experienced Professional
Peter offers a variety of coaching services that will nurture your spirit, help you overcome personal challenges, and allow you to achieve your individual, life and riding goals. Your current comfort zone will be a thing of the past as you embrace new and improved knowledge and performance.
Peter caters to each and everyone's personal learning needs and styles, in order to unlock your full potential.
Change your thinking, understand and build a powerful skills set for success in your sport, work and life.
Contact Peter to start your proactive journey to fulfilling those dreams today.
In person individual coaching and clinics
Get the most out of your relationships with your self, others and your horses. Do you want to understand your thoughts and behaviours and those of your partners - horse and even human?
Take advantage of these different times, sieze the opportunity.
No time like the present.
Photo credit - Dr Phil Janson - Willows Leap.

Online Seminars, workshops & mentoring
Guidance & Inspiration through bespoke, "highly acclaimed" programs, courses and presentations aimed at enhancing your life, relationship and sport skills.
Join the hundreds already benefitting from, implementing and discussing the learning they've gained as participants.

Motivational Speaking & Mojo Mentoring
Join those who have already been thrilled, entertained and challenged by this gifted communicator. You won't be able help, but smile, laugh, cry, think and challenge yourself to grow as individuals, partners and organisations through his touching, inspired, thought provoking delivery. .
Would you like your people to be part of these fun and inspiring opportunities?
If yes, when? Why not now!
No time like now to shine!

Mojo Mentoring
Have the current times dampened your,
Joie de Vivre
Had you thinking about your pathway,
Realising there was more to life that the treadmill you were on,
Made you want to influence your self and family with real values and goals?
or worse, lost your way?
It could be you, your team or your organisation needing to identify shared values and build a more productive culture. Peter has experience and success at leading you towards an improved pathway forward in any or all these scenarios.
If you answered yes to any or all of the above then it could be time for some real help in rebooting your thinking and behaviour to rise up again and live the life you deserve.
Contact Peter to arrange your mentoring sessions to help you personally, your business, your relationships.
Become brave enough to be you, and an even better you!
Find Your Shine!

A highly regarded Motivational speaker
When motivation, entertainment and honesty is what you want and what you need, take control of your future through your present.
Make Peter your go to motivational speaker.
Feel free to contact Peter with any questions and start your journey to discover your full potential, to reboot your mindset and how to reach it.

A Truly Motivational Speaker
Knowledgeable, relevant, compassionate, witty.
"Relevant, sensitive, entertaining, witty, moving, inspiring, uplifting."
Bespoke, motivating, inspiring, thought provoking, with empathy, humour and reality in large doses, and always pertinent.
Keeping it real, making it relevant!
70th Anniversary Dinner Brittish Horse Society Scotland
November 2018
A moving, relevant story of life, it's struggles, beating the odds, some home truths, received amazingly by the audience, making them cheer, laugh, cry and think receiving a standing ovation.
So much excellent feedback.
Testimonial Patrick Print FBHS
November, 2018
"And guess what folks Peter was a star! One of the best speeches I’ve heard in a long while - sensitive, funny and at times sad. You really did capture what’s going on in the horse world at present. Peter you should be on the stage and definitely on the professional speech circuit. Brilliant!! X"
Testimonial: Maggie S Bunnett
November, 2018
"Absolutely the best after dinner speaker I've ever heard! Husband .. not that horsey...really, really enjoyed it also!"
Lorna McClintock Miskelly
November 2018
"Come back soon Peter, you are an inspiration for me to be who I want to be with my beautiful horse and to hell with what anyone else thinks or says! Your speech resinated so much with me I almost felt you wrote it with me in mind! Thank you and safe journey ❤"
John Costello – Pony Club Executive and Business CEO
June, 2014
Re: Dressage Judges' Seminar for Pony Club Judges.
"This was one of the best training sessions I have ever attended. Not only did I feel better equipped with the skills to provide relevant feedback and fair judging of riders at our Pony Clubs, it has provided me some incredibly valuable tips and skills for coaching and instruction.
Peter Shaw is a great trainer and presenter – a clear communicator, knowledgeable, highly committed to the role of Pony Club, and Equestrian Sports and an incredible source of information.
I can wholeheartedly recommend these clinics for any coaches, instructors and those wanting to develop the skills required to judge, coach or ride for competition or pleasure, I fully support any plans to extend this training more broadly across NSW."
Sarah-Jayne Bowers
November 2018
"Great to meet you Peter, wonderful speech provoking a huge range of emotions and dealing with so much of what impacts developing the next generation of skilled equestrians xxx"
Never a truer word spoken than Henry Ford's famous quote. Let me help you learn to believe in yourself and give you the life and/or horsemanship skills to excel, become a stronger, more positive person and bring out your shine.
"If you think you can or think you can't you're probably right."
Henry Ford

Upcoming Events
- Fri, 03 JuneBirdwood, Milroy
- Sat, 28 MayArmidale
- Fri, 22 AprGundaroo